Credits & Privacy

Responsible for the content:
Florian Fiegl
I-39017 SCENA (BZ) – via Rothtaler, 1
Tel. +39 328 2338534
Part. IVA: IT02479360212
Sdi-Code: W7YVJK9

Concept & Design:
andale grafic
Andreas Ortner & Peter Duschek
39012 Merano
vicolo Passiria, 2/A
Tel. +39 0473 690989
Email: office[at]


The personal data processed are not subject to disclosure. Data processing may be carried out with or without the use of electronic or, in any case, automated devices and will include all the operations envisaged under Regulation EU no. 679/2016 and necessary for such processing. In any event, data processing will be carried out in compliance with all precautionary measures which guarantee its security and confidentiality. The owner of the data processing is: RESIDENCE FIEGL, via Rothtaler 1, I-39017 Scena (BZ). Responability by Mr. Hermann Fiegl.

The layout of the homepage, the graphics as well as the contents of the Internet-presentation of the RESIDENCE FIEGL are protected by copyright. The reproduction of the information, and in particular the usage of pictures and text requires written approval by the RESIDENCE FIEGL.

We make no warranty, either expressed or implied as to its preciseness, correctness and completeness. We are not responsible for the content of external web sites linked from this site by hyperlink.

Marketinggesellschaft Meran: Frieder Blickle
Südtirol Marketing: Thomas Grüner, Alessandro Trovati, Clemens Zahn, Ralf Kreuels, Helmuth Rier
Die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff
Kurt Staschitz, Anne Murphy, Gabriel Höllrigl

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). This program uses “cookies”: text files and saves them on your pc enabling in this way the website analysis. The stored information (including your IP address) is transmitted and saved on a server by Google, which uses this data to evaluate your use of the website, create reports about the website activities for their owners and to offers you further services connected with internet and the website. Google is allowed to transmit this information to third parties, if it is legally mandatory or necessary for thirds to elaborate this information on behalf of Google. Under no circumstances will Google connect your IP address with other data from Google. You can avoid the installation of cookies by configuring your browser software correspondingly: in any case, we would like to inform you that with this you will not be able to use the full service range of the website. By using this website you agree with the treatment of your personal data stored by Google according to the modalities, with the goal and to the extent stated before.

This website uses social plug-ins of the so-called “social network” (Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA). You will recognize the plug-in by the facebook logo or the explanatory remark “facebook social plug-in” exposed on a website. The following actions are carried out by this plug-in:
• Your browser will connect directly to the servers of facebook
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• interaction on your part with the plug-in will be redirected from your browser to facebook and stored there
Please find more information on the purpose, amount and processing of your data as well as your rights concerning them on facebook’s data protection terms. If you want to prevent facebook from collecting information about you through this website, you must log out from facebook before visiting our website.

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